Table of content

    1. Intro

    2. History of tulle

    3. The types of tulle - introduction

    4. Type 1: stiff tulle

    5. Type 2: soft tulle

    6. Type 3: Stretch tulle

    7. Other tulles

    1. Introduction to working with tulle

    2. Equipment

    3. Preparing tulle

    4. Cutting tulle

    5. Basics of sewing tulle

    6. Perfectly finished tulle seams

    1. Creating tulle ruffles

    2. Designing with ruffles - overview

    3. Layering & tiers with ruffles

    4. Layering & tiers with ruffles - covering base layer

    5. Layering & tiers with ruffles - not covering base layer (see-through)

    6. Layering & tiers with ruffles - one big tier (volume)

    7. Volume with ruffles (petticoat)

    8. Texture with ruffles

    1. Conclusion

    2. The end

About this course

  • €12,95
  • 24 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Unlimited access

What to expect

Tulle fabric made EASY

Design the most dramatic silhouettes and create them!